Hearts of iron 4 how to naval invade
Hearts of iron 4 how to naval invade

  • Sub Detection = How easy it is for your ships to spot subs (the higher the better).
  • Sub Visibility = How easy it is for your sub to be detected (the lower the better).
  • Surface Visibility = How hard is for the enemy ships to spot your ship (the lower the better).
  • Surface Detection = How easy spotting enemy ships is for your ship, the higher value the better (ships with high surface detection get more hits on enemy ships).
  • Torpedo Attack = The torpedo damage a ship can do to a target (can’t hit enemy submarines).
  • Depth Charges = Damage done exclusively to submarines.
  • Anti Air = The air attack a ship has towards planes.
  • Heavy Piercing = The armor value that the heavy attack can pierce.
  • hearts of iron 4 how to naval invade

  • Heavy Attack = It’s the attack capability of a ship towards a capital ship (more on capital ships later).
  • Light Piercing = The armor value that the light attack can pierce.
  • Light Attack = It’s the attack capability of a ship towards a non capital ship (more on non capital ships later).
  • hearts of iron 4 how to naval invade

    Having less armor will result in bigger damage values taken. Having higher armor than the light/heavy piercing of the enemy ship will result in reduced damage taken as well as more attacks per hour.

  • Armor = The armor value that ship has.
  • Organization runs out by moving to other sea tiles, engaging into battle or exercising the fleet.
  • Organization = If it runs out, your ships get heavy debuffs.
  • HP = How much damage the ship can take before it gets destroyed.
  • Max Range = basically how far a ship can go (you can extend this by asking for docking rights).
  • Ships with high speed values can dodge more shots, move faster, retreat and engage faster.
  • Max speed = It’s the max speed a ship can have.
  • Confused yet? you haven’t the rest yet :^) Important Ship Stats For example trade for Cuba costs less convoys with USA in comparison with USSR due to the distance between the target countries and Cuba.

    hearts of iron 4 how to naval invade

    With 1 being the highest priority and 5 the lowest.Īdditionally the furthest the selected target for the convoy to reach, the more convoys it will require.

  • Supplying remote units outside of mainland.
  • Naval invasion or transferring troops through sea.
  • Convoys have different priorities based on the “job” they are assigned to.

    Hearts of iron 4 how to naval invade